Jesus is, without question, the most famous and talked-about person in history. His impact is unmatched, with countless books, magazines, films, songs, poems, plays, and musicals dedicated to Him. Despite living on Earth over 2,000 years ago, He remains the most enduring topic of conversation. Remarkably, 1/3 of the world’s population—2.3 billion people—acknowledge Jesus as the crucified and risen Son of God.
Jesus wasn't just a good person who did good deeds and died for others. If that were the case, His story would be no more significant than that of any other person who died for a noble cause. But Jesus made an extraordinary claim and came with a divine mission: to restore what was lost—the perfect relationship between God, the Creator, and humanity, His creation. Originally, God created humanity to live in His presence, free from death, sickness, and suffering, but humanity chose to go its own way, creating a separation—a gap—between God and man. This choice was respected by God, who had given humans free will.
You might wonder, why did God give people free will? Couldn't He have made it differently? If He had, we would be like robots, programmed without emotions, desires, or free will. Imagine your loved ones only loving you because they were programmed to do so. Would that bring true satisfaction? Real love, a meaningful bond, can only exist when it's chosen freely. God, who is love, desires a genuine relationship with humanity, one based on love, desire, and affection.
When humanity chose a life without God's truth, God respected this choice and let humanity go its own way. The results of thousands of years of human rule, without God, are evident. Not exactly what God intended, as shown in the Bible. Since humanity chose to live separately from God, a curse has passed down through generations, starting with Adam and Eve, the first humans. To break this curse and restore unity between God and humanity, a perfect man was needed. This man had to reunite us with God, aligning us with His will and plan.
God created us to live in close relationship with Him. So, it’s not surprising that He longed to be close to us again. Because of His deep love for us, He devised a plan: He came to Earth in the form of His Son, Jesus. Born as a human, yet filled with the Spirit of God, Jesus lived a sinless life, completely obedient to God. During His time on Earth, Jesus performed miracles—healing the sick, feeding the hungry, raising the dead—showing that God has a better plan for humanity. This world, full of suffering and death, is not what God intended. Jesus’ miracles, including raising the dead, demonstrated that even death was never part of God's plan.
In heaven, there is no death, only eternal life. This is what Jesus offers us through faith in Him. However, the curse of separation from God still needed to be broken. Only Jesus, who lived in perfect obedience to God, could offer His life as a sacrifice for all of humanity.
As most people in the world know, Jesus was hanged on the cross and died. But his death was not just a death, because during this suffering he bore all the guilt that lay on man, because of their choice to live without God, and paid the sins with his own life (while in unity and obedience with God lived).
Because of this he broke the curse that rested on man, and by faith in him and what he did for man he offers eternal life.
Jesus didn’t stay dead. He rose from the grave, proving He is the Son of God and restoring the relationship between God and humanity. Jesus is not just a long-dead good man; He is alive today, seated at the right hand of God in heaven. This is why 1/3 of the world is Christian. They believe in Jesus not just as a historical figure, but as their living Savior. Only through Jesus can we reconnect with God.
Jesus welcomes everyone, no matter your past. He said that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not be lost, but have eternal life (John 3:16).
We were created to live with God, but by nature and inheritance, we tend to live without Him. Living apart from our Creator is not a good option—just look at the world around us. Eternal separation from God is even worse. That's why we need to recognize our lost state without Jesus.
To begin a new life with God, we must admit in prayer that we’ve made mistakes and lived apart from Him. We need to decide to change direction and start anew with God. This is repentance. If we acknowledge that Jesus died for our sins and believe He is God's Son, Jesus promises that all our sins will be forgiven, and we will receive a new life. Millions of people who have made this choice testify to finding peace, purpose, and renewal. This is because their lives have been reunited with their Creator.
This is just the beginning of your new life. Now, you need to grow in your relationship with God, and that’s where the church comes in. Find a church where Jesus is at the center, and where the Bible is taught as the foundation for life. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us through the contact details on our website.
Evangelist Fausto Tumolo
Member of MissieNederland -