Book: Geboren met een doel, voor een tijd als deze.

Book: Geboren met een doel, voor een tijd als deze.

You were born with a purpose and just for a time like this!
You are loved and wanted by God and were born here on this earth, for a purpose and just for a time like this!

I believe it is God's will that we learn to discover that we are not just on this earth. Your life is full of meaning and there is a purpose for your life, even during storms and crises. You are uniquely created by God, because there is no second person like you! You or those around you may not be happy with who you are. But you may know that through Christ you are perfect in God's eyes, even with all your shortcomings and mistakes. God wants to give you a new identity. The creation of man is the most wonderful work that God has accomplished. Through this finished work of Christ, we may gracefully rediscover what it means to be a child of God.

A new life awaits you, an exciting and hopeful future together with God.

By reading this book you will discover the destiny of your life.

The books will be provided free of charge!
This is because we believe that everyone should know that they are loved by God and born with a purpose, just for a time like this

Order your book quickly and discover the purpose of your life! 

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